I Lost My Daughter and Nothing Will Ever Be the Same
There were never any guarantees. Only hope.
It’s been almost 2 years. In the last few days, I haven’t thought about it. It’s relieving. And I feel guilty. Seventeen months, my world turned completely upside down and has been since. Nothing will ever be the same.
Expected & Unexpected
Hello! My name is Burk. It sounds like an intro to a support group. Because to me, it is. You, the reader, my audience, this is my support group. Writing has always had a healing effect on me. But this, even writing can’t heal.
Where was I? My name is Burk. I am a full-time linguist, a part-time content creator, and a passionate writer. But most importantly, I am a father.
Two years ago, my wife and I were happily expecting a child. I have three boys. I had hoped for a daughter this time. The next doctor’s appointment was just around the corner, and we were excited to learn the sex of the baby. Then everything changed.
Really Nothing Prepares You for That
“It’s a girl. But… something is not quite right with her heart” — the gynecologist said. I had always loved the doctor’s appointments before. Seeing my little one on the screen. I have three boys. I’m used to these appointments. But not this one.
Nothing prepares you for that nervous look on a doctor’s face. Not quite right with her heart. The gynecologist sent us to a specialist in the next city. Waiting for that appointment was hard. Unbearable.