What you’ll get in this issue…
Topics: what is a “safe” job, how to earn 4 figures per month on Medium, and get valuable one-minute lessons daily, those are the three topics for today
Read time: 3 minutes
#1 Is your 9-to-5 “safe”?
I’ve been working a 9-to-5 since college, so 10+ years. My recent one for Google now 8+ years. It’s home office, good pay, and some fun. But is it safe? Nope. People around get fired every month.
It’s not safer to have a 9-to-5 than an online career (which I do on the side). But it starts with a set monthly paycheck. Creating online usually starts at 0. So you might need a starting point in a traditional job and grow your own business on the side.
Just remember this about 9-to-5s:

#2 Learn Medium from the best 2023
Medium is the best blogging platform on the web. And one of few where you can earn for writing without ads. Here’s how much:
Eve Arnold is making $2000+ on Medium after 2.5 years. Tim Denning called her one of the top 8 writers on Medium right now. That’s high praise.
Now, Eve has released her “Medium Blueprint*” course for writers who want to take Medium to the next level. And it’s a hell of a course. Best of all, it doesn’t cost anywhere near the second best course I know for Medium writers, which is Sinem Günels Medium Writing Academy for $600.
Go check out Eve’s course* if want to become a top earner on Medium.
#3 Newsletter recommendation
Got 1 minute per day?
This is all you need to read one of my favorite daily newsletters, in fact the only daily newsletter I subscribe to. It’s by Jamie aka The Minimalist Hustler. His “Minimalist Hustler Daily” is a quick, valuable email you get every day. And he always delivers interesting stuff.
Related stuff
Meet WriteOS, the powerful, comprehensive, Notion-based writing system for online writers, be it on Medium, Substack, WordPress, or anywhere else
New content creators, this is for you! A free list of resources for writers & creators
The best Twitter course* I know to grow a valuable audience in no time
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