What you’ll get in this issue…
Topics: Wanna grown together?, The road to $50K & and a few surprising analytics
Read time: 2 minutes

#1 Run a newsletter ad with me
Inspired by Jamie aka the Minimalist Hustler and Alex Llull from The Steal Club, I recently added the option to book a newsletter ad for “The SoloCreator Hub” on Gumroad.
If you’re interested or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
#2 Road to $50K
My plan growing my solo creator business to $100K a year in the future. This number is scary. That’s why I’ve split it into smaller goals. Tricking the brain.
The first was getting to $10K last year. I exceeded this goal by 100% with $20K in 2022.
The next step on this journey is $50K. My exact plan is this:
#3 Negative surprises
Negative might be overly dramatic. Since I rebranded my newsletter a couple of weeks ago, I’ve seen a slight decrease in open & click rates, the subscriber numbers are still growing, though.
I’m wondering why this is? As a lovely follower on Twitter pointed out, though, it’s early. I need to give it some more time. And I will!
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I love the rebrand, I think long-term it will be better for your stats, but it's normal for it to take a hit as it may no resonate with everyone that you had "collected" under the old brand.
You’re right. It’s all good. I’m patient.